Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why do I have two when he can't find one?

Well, it's Feb. and I'm still neglecting the blog. 

Mike continues the job hunt.

I am loving my part time job. 
It absolutely amazes me that as much as I love time at home I would say I love a second job.
God has been so faithful to provide at every turn for us in this unemployment adventure and I fully believe me finding this job was a little reward for having to work so much.
I am working with Intellectually Disabled individuals in group homes and foster care. 
I never ever ever dreamed I would like working in this type of nursing.
I HATED psych. nursing rotation in nursing school and when I found out that some of these people are not just "intellectually" disabled but have some pretty severe mental illness I was pretty sure I would quit not enjoy this. 
I have to tell you that I have some of the sweetest patients I've ever met.
One man looked so scary to me but after the bear hug I got when I met him I knew he was just a sweet guy who looked a little rough.
One little lady is such a joy I would go see her everyday if I could. 
I've also learned that when patients depend on the government or state for their care it is a game of how to get paid for things and the wait for things is unbelievable.
Seeing teenagers who are disabled living in a group home is heartbreaking. 
I am always thankful for my healthy children but this is a reminder once again.

I am little mad that we've had some serious cold weather but not a single snow day.  We've had snow but it's never quite enough.
I need one.  Just a day at home with all my people.

I've spent a little too much time on Pinterest lately looking at graduation party ideas.  Plan on coming, it will be cute! 

Tonight is unusual.  No work I need to do.  No where I have to go.  Kellie's not feeling good so we're sitting by the fire listening to a snoring dog.  God is good.

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