Monday, August 26, 2013


I was the first one gone this morning. 
I got to school early and was ready for all the craziness of the first morning at my school. 
That was a first.
But I missed dropping a kid off a school.
Because now they go the same High School. 
Just one year of togetherness. 
One year of Katie driving her to school (and some friends that tagged along). 
I texted Katie to see if she had seen Kellie during the day.  The answer, "yea, I had lunch with her".  It made me tear up. 
A year of them in the same school for some reason makes my heart happy. 
They fuss about the "first day of schoool" picture every year but I made them promise to let dad take one.  I can't believe they even smiled.
When I asked Kellie if she was excited or scared she said "NO... it's just another day of school" and when I asked Katie if she was excited it's her senior year she said "NO...I'm just ready for it to be over..."
Well, I was scared and excited for them.  And as I could have predicted, Kellie had "just another day at school".  She is so easy going it was just no big deal to her.  And Katie called me as soon as she got out to talk a little more about where she wants to go to college.   She is really ready for it to be over.

A first day of high school and a first day of the last year of high school.
 I think I'm really not that crazy about either of those.
It's going too fast.
That thought or sentence is really NOT a first...
But it sure is fun.

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