Saturday, January 7, 2012

It was just like I dreamed it would be

The new year is starting off as fast as last year seemed to go!  I kind of wish it would slow down just a bit...

On New Year's day I came home from a very good shopping trip to Dillard's extra 50% off sale to 6 girls waiting on me...
They had a "proposal" for me...
I was scared.

The sat me down and this is what I got... a slide show of sorts...

They had called a hotel to see how much it would be, pooled their money, thrown in a random gift card and had a very detailed plan which included the sisters "getting along" and the olders playing with the youngers, etc...

I had no plans and I think they were absolutely shocked when I agreed... who can refuse good hospitality?
But, I had a few conditions....
We were going that day, on the 1st rather than the 2nd.
I got to pick the hotel. 
They HAD to get along.
They HAD to be quiet in their hotel room.
They had to actually give me the money they promised.
And basically had to agree to be my slave after we got home...

Let me tell you that I think we'll be doing this again...It was a fun treat for everyone.

The hotel had a very good happy hour and breakfast.
They are old enough I didn't have to be with them every minute.
They were very good. 
They all got along. 
I was in the room next door. 
ALONE.  (I've dreamed of this!!!)
With magazines.
And black out drapes.

This may be what the rooms and beds in heaven will be like...

I would get an occasional text that said something like "oh sorry, didn't mean to be loud, we'll be quieter"....
A friend of mine came for breakfast. 

It was a good start to the new year!

But then I came home to the house that is under construction from the flood...and is still under construction but should be done soon.  Maybe.

We are back in full swing with construction, school, church, and have added dieting and working out...

Hope your New Year is full of wonderful things! 
If not, go to the hotel for a night.  It will change your life.

1 comment:

Jennifer Owens said...

Wow - I love their creativity! How fun is that!

I've added "dieting" and working out to my new year too. So far so good, but then again it's only the 9th!