Monday, February 25, 2013

Blizzard 2013

Well, we sure got the snow I wanted.  I think it's the first "blizzard" we've seen in Lubbock.
Yesterday when it was a gorgeous 70 degree spring like day we were already under the blizzard warning. 
When I looked outside during the night I was pretty sure it would be a snow day.  Of course I woke up at 5 as usual to check and then was wide awake...
lying in bed drinking coffee and watching the news was a wonderful morning!!!
I used to just like a snow day because I like snow and staying home.  A snow day now is even better now.  It means we are all at home.  That doesn't happen very often these days. 
There has been some fighting over spots on the couch but that's not a big surprise.  Elvis takes up a spot and then the girls are left to fight over who is taking up to much space...

Kellie ventured out for a few minutes.  The snow is so powdery that it won't stick together to play with. 
                            the wind chill is below zero so I only enjoyed it from the door

                                          We adopted a new friend this week... meet Koala
We thought Kitty needed company and a friend had a guinea pig she wanted to re home.
She is like a stuffed animal.  She doesn't move when you hold her.  Not a muscle.  She sits where ever you put her and does.not.move!
The girls got out American Girl furniture for them.  This is about the time Mike told us we should have gone to school...
The only downside to the snow day is that I have a Mon. night Bible study that I love.  And I had made a cake to take tonight.  A yellow cake with lemon curd filling and sour cream icing.
That is in the fridge calling my name. 

                                                         and I have jars of Lemon Curd for the girls.
It was so easy and it tastes so good I think I'll be making this again.  I'm having a hard time giving away the cute little jars but I will... I hope I can find more of them.

Off to do more laundry, drink hot chocolate, try not to eat the cake and enjoy the snow day



Wednesday, February 13, 2013

where did the snow go?

The weather man said we would get some snow this week. 
We didn't.
It seems to miss us most of the time. 
Two hours north they had record snow fall so I guess I know where ours went...
We did get some cool cloudy weather though.  You know that's my favorite.
It was hard to go to work yesterday waiting on that snow.

All that to say, I made the best soup!
I found a Pinterst recipe and it is a keeper!

Cheese Tortellini Soup
1 bag of frozen tortellini
1 small bag of fresh spinach
2 cans of Italian style diced tomatoes
1 box or 4 cups or chicken broth
1 block of cream cheese
1 lb. of roll sausage

Brown the sausage and put all ingredients in crock pot,
chunking up the cream cheese.
Cook on low for 5-6 hrs.
It was so good that I'm taking the girls at work lunch tomorrow if I decide to share.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Time flies when you mark off the weeks

I just finished working on week five of Project Life... I really notice how fast it's going doing this.
It was a fun week but nothing out of the ordinary.  That's always good.

A few close ups of the week

Katie texted me the above note... she was worried I'd be mad.  Now, I would love for her to be in the top ten but there nothing wrong with a 94 and the kids are all so close together in GPA...
When I went to school unless you were in the top three no one worried about what number they were...Getting into college is so very different these days.

Speaking of college...

We have two college visits scheduled for the next few weeks.  I get a little sick even saying that.
I am excited though, it will be fun.
We have tons of things on the calendar for the spring. 
The college visits, church events, Spring Break, a wedding, Prom, Eighth grade banquet and I'm sure there are other things I'm not thinking of.  You know that's a little fuller than I like my schedule!

Love those girls (and our new youth minister who snuck into the picture)!  I'm trying to soak up every minute I get with them (when they are being nice and not all teenager-ish).