Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who gave me the sickenss in May???

I know you must be wondering what normal everyday things we have been up to
Let's catch up shall we?
I started feeling a little sick on Friday and just bad enough that I laid around all weekend.
Until I woke up with the monster eye issue today
What the heck?
If hadn't felt terrible anyway I would have called in because I looked crazy...
A trip to the clinic, good medicine, great cough syrup and the eye is slowly getting back to normal.

We did venture out to a sweet friends graduation party Sat. night. 

We got to know Kelsey while she was a youth intern at our church.  Before long we had her at our house as much as we could.  She was more like family to my girls.  She invested in them, mentored them and gave them an occasional lecture on their teenage behavior before she finished college and left us this weekend.

Her parents were so sweet to ask us to her dinner and are so precious.  They thanked us for taking care of her and I reminded them how sweet she is how she took care of us some too.  I pray my girls continue to have relationships with older Christian girls who can model what college years should look like. 
Thank you Kelsey for loving my girls!

I have spent a little too much time on Pinterest
Ask Jennifer, I've sent her a few that reminded me of her

Saturday I did something I rarely do.  I watched a movie.  The whole thing and no one made me.
I had been meaning to go see Argo when it was in theaters and never did.

 I watched it Sat. and cannot quit thinking about it.  It was a really good movie. 
I made the family watch it later that day.

The girls were not really excited about it but I think they liked it a little.  It made Katie nervous...

Argo is: 
Based on real events, the dramatic thriller “Argo” chronicles the life-or-death covert operation to rescue six Americans, which unfolded behind the scenes of the Iran hostage crisis, focusing on the little-known role that the CIA and Hollywood played—information that was not declassified until many years after the event.
See, I lived in Iran in 1979 and left just a couple of weeks before the hostages were taken.  My dad left just days before. 
I was 14 and not old enough to be scared enough.  I remember vividly how upset and scared my mother was and I thought it was quite an adventure.
After the movie, now I'm scared.  I realize we were really lucky to get out when we did and how fast things got bad.
They were bad when we were there but escalated everyday.  I really wish I still had my dad to talk to about it... I don't remember us ever really discussing it after the fact.
Before we left we hadn't been to school in weeks. 
Now, as a kid I liked the not having school work but we weren't allowed to go out and I was bored to death! 
Now that I've started thinking about that time again I found that the American school has a group page on FB and one of the guys who graduated in '79 wrote a book about it I'm now going to need to read.
You should watch it.  Then be glad I got to come home.  I am.

Today I have watched more tornado coverage than is healthy I'm sure... and in between that I've watched enough House Hunters International to plan my retirement and enough Dateline to help you out if you ever need help with a crime.

Hope you aren't sick in May



1 comment:

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm so glad you are on the mend. You must have led an amazing childhood! It is no wonder that Argo had special meaning for you. I hope you and the girls had an enjoyable holiday weekend, despite not feeling well. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary