Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What to do...

We are staying at home this Thanksgiving. Jennifer is coming sometime Thanksgiving day but she is not a fan of any Thanksgiving foods and she passed on that odd trait to my oldest daughter... So, here's my dilemma-- I have a couple of favorites that I like for sides at Thanksgiving but I am the only one in my house who would eat them...which means I would eat all of them, every bit, all by myself...not a good thing...
here are the two favorites I prob. won't be making...still deciding...

Cranberry Salad

1 lb. cranberries, ground in blender or food processor
1 orange peeled and chopped
1 can crushed pineapple
1 lb. lg red seedless grapes, cut each grape in half
1 pt. whipping cream (you don't whip it, just pour it in)
8 oz cream cheese (freeze for a while and then cut into very small pieces)
2 cups mini marshmallows
1 cup pecans chopped
2 cups sugar
Mix all in large container. Let set in fridge overnight. Mix well.
Note: freezing cranberries before grinding makes them easier to grind.
This is my very favorite fruit side ever! You should make it...

Tex-Mex Salsa Cranberry sauce/dip

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 12 oz pkg fresh cranberries
2 tbs. dried cilantro
1/4 tsp cumin
1 green onion chopped
1 tsp lime juice
Bring water and sugar to a boil over med. heat. add cranberries and return to boil. Gently boil 10 minutes without stirring. Pour into med. bowl, add remaining ingredients. Place plastic wrap on sauce. Cool at room temp, then refrigerate.
I love to have this with left over turkey sandwiches or qusadillas....

Off to watch a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that last one sounds incredible...different and yummy. Something I would really like but like you, I have my doubts anyone else would. Let me know what you decide!