Sunday, December 14, 2008

Two sisters fighting and a gingerbread house

I have such control issues it is very hard for me to do projects like decorating with my kids... I want to let them do it and it not be perfect. I really do, but it is really, really hard...
my oldest has some of those issues also... So, today when I got out the gingerbread house and told them they could each decorate one half of it, the oldest almost couldn't do it... she really felt like both sides should be the same.

I was very proud of how good I did. I poured out all the candy, didn't fuss as I heard pieces of it hitting the floor and didn't clean up till after they were done. It was hard, very hard but in the end we have a lovely house to admire, the dogs got some special candy treats and we all survived. Their dad took them to Walmart later this afternoon and they almost didn't survive that! I guess he forgot that there would be pushing and shoving and name calling and fighting over buggies. And I mean just our kids, not with the crowd. They just don't shop well together....
Tomorrow I am going to try to do the majority of my shopping tomorrow... wish me speed and low prices!


Debbie said...

Beautiful house and I hope the shopping went well.

Unknown said...

The house turned out beautiful and congratulations on NOT interrupting until the end NO MATTER WHAT!!! I know how hard that is. I am amazed at how much simpler my decorations are every year as I let go to the kids a little more each year. This year, I gave up on all the beautiful, matching ornaments I had made for our tree, and just let the kids put theirs on it. They take up more room each year anyway, and they are the ones that get the most pleasure from them...some day I'll have a tree with matching ornaments again, right? LOL!

Oh, the little word-verification thingy I have to type in says "redialed". What does that mean? LOL!

Anonymous said...

great house. looks yummy!!!