Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to the routine....

So back to work for me today. I didn't mind it to bad but it could have been an easier transition.

Last night I left my car in the driveway rather than the garage and the freezing rain the weather man predicted would go south of us... well, it wasn't as south as he said...after finially getting the door to the car open while trying not to fall and trying to use a spatuala to scrape the ice, I finally slid to work slowly.
By the way, one of the things we told the girls about moving to Lubbock is that there would be more snow... everyone told us that... tonight on the news they said it seems to be a la Nina pattern and that would decrease our chances of winter weather in the next month or so....
I think I wanted the "more snow" worse than my kids...
but BRRRR it's cold today...

I haven't officially checked, but based on the day we had a school today it must be a full moon.

My kids had one more day off than I did. I only had to referee one fight on the phone with them... that is a good day...and the house actually didn't look any worse than I left it... so, again, it must be a full moon!

Have a warm, non full moon-ish evening!


Jennifer Owens said...

It's been a while since I've had to use a spatula to get into my car! BRR cold! I hope you see a couple of beautiful snowy days!!

Kasey said...

thanks for stopping by! so nice to meet you.