Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A prayer answered but then came the wind

Leaving my job was the hardest part of moving here. I stressed about finding a new job before we moved but eventually was able to just give it to God. I have been very actively looking for a job in a school for the fall but have not been worried about it at all. I found out today that the district that I at one point gave up on, they wouldn't return my phone call for a long time and some other issues... seems to be the district I may end up working for. My only stress now is the timing of things. The school where the little girl is may have an opening and I would LOVE to be there, in the same school again and in the same district with my kids but I can't turn down this job without an offer of another... I am just so thankful that not only am I pretty certain I am going to have a job but that I may possibly have choices to make. I am so thankful that God laid in my lap today exactly what I have been praying for. I am always amazed.
Speaking of amazed, today I left for a couple of hours and forgot to close the back door after letting the dogs out...While I was out a very big wind started. As I was getting out of the car and checking the mail I could feel dirt in my teeth, it is gross. I then go inside to discover I had left the door open and the WHOLE house is covered in a layer of dirt. Now, I'm not talking "a little dusty" I mean DIRT !!!! You would not believe how much dirt I am talking about, its unbelieveable!!! This is the first time I was ready to cry and move back to Lewisville!!! After an hour or so of wiping down everything in the living room I wander through the bedroom and find that even in there (where I dusted 2 days ago) it is dirty... Really, you just can't believe how much dirt there is!!!!!

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