Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Crafty afternoon

For two weeks I've had all my craft stuff all over the dining room table.  Today I decided I needed to finish my project and put it all back in the closet where it belongs so we can use our dining table again...

Let me pause for a small story about the messy dining room table while we're on the subject...

Last Sunday I invited a friend from church over for lunch.  I prefaced the invitation with the disclaimer that my dining table was a mess with crafty stuff and I hadn't mopped since the dust storm the day before... and if she could handle that, we'd love to have her for lunch.
She comes, I slide all the crafty stuff to one end of the table so the adults can eat at one end...I then ask Kellie to put napkins on the table for me... When I sat down I noticed that she had put "What-a-burger" napkins out for us.. Not sure how they made it into the pantry with the napkins, but there they were...
So, guess the crafty junk on the table didn't look that bad compared to the fine table linen we put out for guests!

I started an address book for my sister for her birthday.  I really just found a project to use some old pictures of her....

how about that pagent swimsuit? 

on of my favorite pictures of my mom... smoking and talking on the phone, does that just scream 1960?

this should be her favorite page, the picture of her with her new sister

Then I made a couple of cards for my cousins while I was printing pictures...

In the picture on the right, I'm the one in the middle with my shoes on, the two Ark. cousins are missing their's... I may have mentioned this in the card...

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