Friday, June 22, 2012

I survived!!!

I am just home from church camp.
What a week!
It was completly different than the camp I've worked at before and I had a great time!  I'm not sure how I was lucky enough to be asked to go since I was by far, the oldest counselor this year.  Every other counselor could have been my child.  Really.  And if I had started earily enough I could have had the youth minister and his wife. 
Since I was the counselor/nurse I was pretty much the mom of every one...
"do you have sun screen... yes, I have tylenol... come here and let me look in your ear...what did you eat...don't hit him in the trachea..."  and that was all said to counselors.  I think I gave out tylenol to one student and a few bandaids to my own child and that was it student wise!
I realized my age when the four hours a night of sleep just wasn't quite enough.  And there was no nap.  None.  That would have meant missing out on fun...

There was lots of incredible kids

crazy games

free time

and amazing worship

Justin Cofield Band was great.  The speaker was Afshin Ziafat who had an amazing testimony and could preach it!!!  You should watch this quick video of his testimony.  I was really interested in it since I was living in Iran at the same time he talks about. 

And great time getting to know some really sweet girls

I am glad to be home.  I sure missed my girl that didn't go....
Elvis the bulldog seemed to miss me the most. 
I was so glad to shower at home where there is water pressure.  I'm exciting about sleeping in my bed that isn't a dorm room bed that was so far off the ground that getting in it was a challange and getting out of it without injury was a miracle.  And most of all I'm excited about coffee in the morning! 

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